R2WinBUGS 2.1-20 (2015-05-31)
- various URL fixes, DESCRIPTION file updates
- import from base packages
R2WinBUGS 2.1-19 (2013-04-07)
- fix outdated usage: .path.package -> system.file
- move vignette files around
R2WinBUGS 2.1-18 (2011-03-22)
- import logit from boot nowadays (seems nobody uses that anyway)
R2WinBUGS 2.1-17
- fix as.bugs.array as reported by S. McKay Curtis
R2WinBUGS 2.1-16 (2009-11-08)
- fix write.model() again by going throught parse tree now
R2WinBUGS 2.1-15 (2009-11-05)
- added seed argument to openbugs()
- fix write.model() to work for separatly specified function body
- fix write.model() to make larger numeric (particularly integer) values
in scientific notation work
- fix bugs.update.settings() for R>=2.10.0 compatibility
R2WinBUGS 2.1-14 (2009-04-14)
- new argument over.relax=FALSE
R2WinBUGS 2.1-13 (2009-03-29)
- hack: adding group write permission for a temporary working directory in order to
avoid problems with WINE emulator on Mac OS X
- bugfix: properly using chain parameters in as.mcmc.list.bugs
- documentation fix
R2WinBUGS 2.1-12 (2009-02-13)
- new method as.mcmc.list.bugs contributed by Mike Meredith
- bugfix: plot.bugs() did not reset par(mfrow)
- bugfix: adaptive phase stuff cannot read from files anymore by openbugs(),
feature has been removed
- openbugs now displays messages before starting the sampling
(essentially using flush.console())
R2WinBUGS 2.1-11 (2009-02-02)
- bugfix: if was unset and files are assumed to be in R's
former wd, these are copied to the tempdir that is set as new working
directory now.
R2WinBUGS 2.1-10 (2009-01-20)
- bugfix: was not always reset when function terminated.
R2WinBUGS 2.1-9 (2009-01-08)
- R2WinBUGS now works on OS X and Solaris (with suitable versions of wine)
- findUnixBinary now fails (with a meaningfull error message) always if the
binary file does not exist.
- If (the default setting), then a temporary
directory is used as a working directory to prevent overwriting/removing
the existing files.
- File script.txt is also removed when clearWD=TRUE.
- If model.file does not have a "txt" extension, then it is temporarily
copied to a file with "txt" extension in the working directory and
removed at the end of WinBUGS run.
R2WinBUGS 2.1-7 (2008-01-21)
- this file is now available as NEWS file in top folder of installed package
R2WinBUGS 2.1-6 (2007-09-12)
- reverting back to use thin.updater since it is faster, however CODA files
have "wrong" indexes - this needs to be fixed in BUGS program
- WINE arguments are now set in such a way that defaults work on Windows
and Linux
- minor formatting in the code and help files
- added R2WinBUGS-package help page
R2WinBUGS 2.1-5
- proper indexing of CODA files also in R version
- fixed useWINE documentation in bugs help page
- note on supported BUGS versions
- as.bugs.array now returns info on used rule for pD i.e. var(deviance)/2
or Dbar-Dhat
- some internal fixes related to handling of DIC
- merging and reversing ChangeLog files
R2WinBUGS 2.1-4 (2007-05-24)
- Depending on coda now (Namespace issues)
- some more fixes for codetools checks
- Vignette has been updated
R2WinBUGS 2.1-3 (2007-05-13)
- Ported to S-PLUS by Insightful Corp.
- some fixes for codetools checks
R2WinBUGS 2.0-4 (2006-11-02)
- print.bugs / plot.bugs documentation fixes
- write.model() fix
R2WinBUGS 2.0-3 (2006-10-06)
- \\. -> [.] in regular expressions
R2WinBUGS 2.0-2 (2006-07-26)
- changes for DIC, making use of BUGS internal calculations
- some doc fixes
R2WinBUGS 2.0-1 (2006-05-26)
- some wine patches for 2.2-0 by Gregor Gorjanc
R2WinBUGS 2.0-0
- bugs() doc fix/updates on scrambling
- has new arg useWINE (by Gregor Gorjanc)
- bugs() and bugs.script() patched for WINEPATH issue
- bugs.script() changed to save log file in ASCII
- new function bugs.log() by Gregor Gorjanc
- new functions as.bugs.array, openbugs and by
Jouni Kerman and Andrew Gelman
- new function write.model() based on ideas from Jouni Kerman
R2WinBUGS 1.1-1 (2006-02-18)
- WINE tweaks (mainly by Gregor Gorjanc)
R2WinBUGS 1.1-0 (2005-12-15)
- Contribution by Ben Bolker and Yun Yan's rbugs package:
make R2WinBUGS work under WINE
R2WinBUGS 1.0-1 (2005-11-15)
- make inits=NULL work (again ?)
R2WinBUGS 1.0-0 (2005-08-05)
- attach.all(), detach.all(), attach.bugs() and detach.bugs() added/changed
more or less according to Andrew Gelman's current bugs.R
R2WinBUGS 0.2-9 (2005-07-29)
- bugs has new argument clearWD
R2WinBUGS 0.2-8 (2005-05-30)
- bugs passed DIC to bugs.script in order to be able to disable it
R2WinBUGS 0.2-6 (2005-01-24)
- bugs() changes in order to return a file names of coda output files
- new read.bugs() returns a coda mcmc.list object, if codaPkg=TRUE.
R2WinBUGS 0.2-5
- bugs() and bugs.script() have a new argument bin that allows to specify
a number of iterations. After each "bin" iterations the coda files are saved.
R2WinBUGS 0.2-4
- bugs.script() did not work for large n.iter values in update step
(no scientific notation allowed)
R2WinBUGS 0.2-3 (2004-09-10)
- split to bugs.inits and, the latter exported
from the Namespace.
Now we can use already written data files in bugs().
R2WinBUGS 0.2-2 (2004-05-14)
- schools data: original (see references) instead of the rounded data
During the process of packaging R2WinBUGS_0.1 - R2WinBUGS_0.2-1,
quite a lot of changes had been made. Those changes are not
documented anywhere ...
During the process of packaging R2WinBUGS_0.1, quite a lot of changes had
been made. Those changes are not documented anywhere ...
Changes prior to R2WinBUGS_0.1:
Update 30 Oct 2003:
1. Minor change to a return() statement to be compatible with R 1.8
2. Just a warning (from Ben Goodrich): if you are running Bugs.R inside
a loop, you have to be careful with the data() and the inits()
functions since they will not necessarily recognize locally-defined
variables. One workaround is to define the variables used in data()
and inits() using global assignments (<<-), but this can sometimes
make the program run slower.
Update 29 Aug 2003:
1. Fixed "" function so you can use data that have the
same names as R functions.
2. Changed T and F to TRUE and FALSE everywhere in case the variables
T and F are used as data in the main program
3. Caution: if you are entering the data as a list of variable names
(see 10 Apr 2003 update, item 1), the data to be input into must
be global variables. This can be relevant if you are running bugs()
inside an R function.
4. Caution: bugs() has difficulty processing ragged arrays. It is
better to save a whole matrix (e.g., "theta") rather than parts
(e.g., "theta[1:10,1]", "theta[1:5,2]"). If you want to save
part of a vector, you should do it as "theta[1:2]", not "theta[1]",
Update 30 Apr 2003: added time monitoring
Update 29 Apr 2003:
1. The "attach.all" function (no longer called "attach2") overwrites
so that all components of a list or data frame get attached.
2. Program now looks in the directory /winbug~1/ rather than /winbug~2/
3. Graphics parameters for margins are returned to their original state
at the end of the program.
4. Added "digits.summary" option to the numerical display.
5. Added "last.values" output: a list that can be input as "inits"
if you want to run the simulations longer.
Update 13 Apr 2003: fixed new bug in round.bugs(). Now all numbers are
saved in scientific notation.
Update 10 Apr 2003:
1. It is now possible to enter the data as a list of variable names.
For example, before you had to enter data as,
data <- list (n=8, y=c(28,8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12))
n <- 8
y <- c(28,8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12)
data <- list (n=n, y=y)
Now you can enter the data as,
n <- 8
y <- c(28,8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12)
data <- list ("n", "y")
The bugs() function will figure out which method you are using (based
on whether "data" is a list of numbers or a vector of character
This doesn't look like much, but it's convenient when you're entering
lots of data!
2. It is now possible to enter the initial values as a function,
so as to automatically a random list of inits for each of the chains.
For example, in the 8-schools example below, we can do:
inits <- function()
list (theta=rnorm(J,0,1), mu.theta=rnorm(1,0,100), sigma.theta=runif(1,0,100))
to set up the inits as a function (rather than setting up n.chains
sets of specific initial values). Then, the function call,
schools.sim <- bugs (data, inits, parameters, "schools.txt", n.chains=3, n.iter=1000)
automatically sets up 3 sets of initial values (each a list of
theta, mu.theta, sigma.theta).
3. Bug in the initial rounding (the function round.bugs()) has been fixed.
Thanks for Mark Clements for finding the bug and fixing it!
Also, we have set the default rounding to 5 digits instead of 2.
Update 01 Apr 2003: use layout() rather than split.screen() for graphical
Update 18 Mar 2003:
1. Get the Bugs configuration information from the original file
(Registry_default.odc) rather than overwriting each time. (Fixes a
bug that occurred when R was interrupted in the middle of a Bugs run.)
2. Display different colored dots in the right panel of the graphical
display, to show the medians from each chain.
Update 13 Mar 2003: fix minor bug in monitor()
Update 10 Mar 2003: fix bug in pD and DIC calculations
Update 7 Mar 2003:
1. Fix display.parallel=T option by adding min.width so that very
intervals are still visible.
2. Compute pD separately for each sequence (which gives much more
reasonable estimates before convergence).
Update 8 Feb 2003: minor fixes in graphical display
Update 6 Feb 2003:
1. Approximate "effective sample size" n.eff given for each parameter.
2. More explanatory material displayed.
3. Use bringToTop() to automatically bring up the graphics window.
Update 4 Feb 2003:
1. Automatically compute the deviance, DIC, and pD. Bugs will not
always compute DIC and pD, so we do so using the definition,
DIC = E(deviance) + pD, using var(deviance)/2 as an estimate of pD.
(This is derived from the chi^2 distribution. We can't use the
Spiegelhalter et al. definition of DIC because we don't have access
to the deviance function.)
2. Set default for n.thin so that, after thinning, the total number
saved iterations, n.sims, is approximately 1000.
Update 14 Jan 2003 to run with the new WinBugs1.4. You may see an error
message and need to fix the dos.location assignment in bugs().
Update 6 Jan 2003:
1. Fix of bug that occurred with uppercase and lowercase variable names
2. Set default for n.thin so that no more than about 500 iterations
will be saved from each sequence
3. New option "display.parallel" added to show 80% inferences from
parallel sequences on the right panel of the graphical display. This
can be useful to understand what is going on when there are
convergence problems.
Update 26 Dec 2002: fix of minwidth in bugs.plot.summary
Update 11 Dec 2002:
1. Automatic fixing of adaptive phases. Now you no longer need to run
for thousands of iterations when slice or Metropolis sampling is used.
2. Various minor fixes
Update 10 Dec 2002:
1. Cool graphical display of convergence and inferences!
2. New "attach2" function that overwrites so that all components of
the list are attached
Update 29 Nov 2002:
1. Fix of bug in 24 Nov update.
2. Fix of bug in 16 Nov update.
3. Length of chains is now pecified in terms of "n.iter" rather than
Update 24 Nov 2002: improved treatment of "". For
example, you can now use "alpha" to indicate an entire array of parameters,
whereas before you had to save "alpha[]" or "alpha[,]" or whatever.
Update 16 Nov 2002: mean, sd, median added to outputs
Update 4 Nov 2002: more error-flagging added
Update 26 Oct 2002:
1. Parameters saved in order of the "" vector
(not alphabetical order).
2. Output saved in both matrix and list form.
3. With the attach.sims=T setting (which is the default), the simulations
for all the saved parameters are saved as R objects. This is
convenient for later use of the simulations.
Updates to 16 Oct 2002: more error-flagging added, mean/sd added to summary,
fixing scientific notation so Bugs can always read data and inits
Update 21 Sept 2002: "quit=F" option changed to "debug=T"
First version written 18 Sept 2002 by Andrew Gelman,
adapted from the EmBedBugs package by Kenneth Rice