scatterplot3d - 3D Scatter Plot
Plots a three dimensional (3D) point cloud.
Last updated 2 years ago
10.33 score 1 stars 320 dependents 2.8k scripts 80k downloadsnortest - Tests for Normality
Five omnibus tests for testing the composite hypothesis of normality.
Last updated 10 years ago
9.13 score 155 dependents 3.5k scripts 82k downloadssignal - Signal Processing
A set of signal processing functions originally written for 'Matlab' and 'Octave'. Includes filter generation utilities, filtering functions, resampling routines, and visualization of filter models. It also includes interpolation functions.
Last updated 1 years ago
8.78 score 151 dependents 828 scripts 16k downloadsR2WinBUGS - Running 'WinBUGS' and 'OpenBUGS' from 'R' / 'S-PLUS'
Invoke a 'BUGS' model in 'OpenBUGS' or 'WinBUGS', a class "bugs" for 'BUGS' results and functions to work with that class. Function write.model() allows a 'BUGS' model file to be written. The class and auxiliary functions could be used with other MCMC programs, including 'JAGS'.
Last updated 1 years ago
8.12 score 2 stars 50 dependents 696 scripts 6.3k downloadstuneR - Analysis of Music and Speech
Analyze music and speech, extract features like MFCCs, handle wave files and their representation in various ways, read mp3, read midi, perform steps of a transcription, ... Also contains functions ported from the 'rastamat' 'Matlab' package.
Last updated 11 months ago
7.84 score 44 dependents 1.1k scripts 4.6k downloadsklaR - Classification and Visualization
Miscellaneous functions for classification and visualization, e.g. regularized discriminant analysis, sknn() kernel-density naive Bayes, an interface to 'svmlight' and stepclass() wrapper variable selection for supervised classification, partimat() visualization of classification rules and shardsplot() of cluster results as well as kmodes() clustering for categorical data, corclust() variable clustering, variable extraction from different variable clustering models and weight of evidence preprocessing.
Last updated 1 years ago
7.61 score 5 stars 13 dependents 1.4k scripts 15k downloadsfftw - Fast FFT and DCT Based on the FFTW Library
Provides a simple and efficient wrapper around the fastest Fourier transform in the west (FFTW) library <>.
Last updated 6 months ago
4.88 score 17 dependents 39 scripts 2.5k downloads